Where established business owners reveal what it’s really like to be CEO and simultaneously pursue abundance. Abundance looks different for everyone and no two businesses are built the same. During this open conversation, discover how circumstance, actions, and events created emotional reactions of either abundance or scarcity throughout their business-building journey. Much of whether we grow or get stuck playing small depends on the mindset we choose and the actions we take during the highs and lows throughout our entrepreneurial journey. Find out how workload, relationships, and money played a role in business owners’ decisions, emotions, and mental health during various stages in their business, when they made key decisions about hiring, marketing, and outsourcing, and how hosting their own podcast played a role in their personal development AND the growth of their business. Virginia Elder, host and owner of Podcast Abundance, shares pieces of her own journey from corporate life to freelancer to business owner, plus interviews other entrepreneurs with thriving businesses who use their podcast to establish authority in their niche, provide educational content for potential clients, and drive leads into their business. During the first half of each interview episode, you’ll get an inside look at the guest’s business and hear about challenges, plus the habits and actions that help navigate them. Our goal is to uncover the mindset and mental health shifts that worked for them to help you thrive during your journey. Then, in the second half of the interview, we switch the conversation to marketing strategies and learn how launching a podcast helped them grow their business and mature as a founder, speaker, and collaborator for their brand. Every business needs a reliable marketing arm that consistently and automatically attracts potential clients, and these guests have a successful, active podcast doing exactly that! Learn how they started, what changed, and how they’ve grown since becoming a podcast host. We’ll reveal podcasting strategies that work and prep you for the emotional rollercoaster that occurs any time you step up to play big in life. Abundance is within reach for all of us, but the pursuit of abundance is never over. It takes intention, a clear vision for what abundance means to you, and a consistent level of consciousness around your actions and emotions throughout your journey. Cheers to Reaching Abundance together!
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
How To Boost Mental Health When Surrounded by Negativity | Archived Episode
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
We tend to think that ‘this time’ is the worst time.
The necessity of maintaining or even enhancing our mental well-being is paramount during difficult circumstances. Even when the news fills your head with gloom and doom, it is easy to lapse into unhealthy habits, both emotionally and physically, when you surround yourself with negativity. Sometimes the news might get you down, but there are easy actions you can do to keep your energy high, no matter what is happening in the world.
The Covid “lockdown” and being stuck at home have affected everyone. While some people sought guidance on how to stay strong or positive during social distancing, the abrupt change in routine and separation from others can cause emotional distress in anyone.
Connecting online is a great temporary solution, but it’s not the same.
I’ll share with you some easy strategies to improve your mental well-being at home. As moms, our mental well-being often takes a back seat. We’re too often preoccupied with making sure everyone else in the family has the support they need that our own needs get pushed aside.
To improve your mental well-being, pay attention to these tips as you listen
- Survival - If you have the basics covered, allow yourself to smile about that. Journal your thoughts and experiences so that you may revisit them later.
- Happiness - What makes you happy and content? Do your best to avoid anything that will affect you negatively later.
- Control - Life is full of modest pleasures that we can manage, allowing us to feel validated. Ask yourself what you can do today to improve the way you feel tomorrow.
- Personal Growth/Development - Find a topic of interest to you and dive in.
- Luxuries- Recognize what you already have.
In this episode, listen for:
- Remember, even if we are experiencing difficult circumstances, they are temporary
- You can exercise control at any time, in small ways, throughout your life.
- A key aspect of personal growth is to assume everything is adjustable, alterable, and negotiable. What can you do to make yourself happier?
In this episode, you’ll also hear:
[6:06] Your thoughts and emotions aren’t necessarily yours. By whom or what are you being influenced?
[11:52] Prioritize your tasks and divide that long to-do list into manageable chunks for each day
[13:51] Whatever you do, make an effort to surround yourself with people, activities, and habits that will make you joy
If this episode hit home for you, share it with a friend. Simply copy & paste this link: https://link.chtbl.com/abundance
Learn more about how you CAN create the abundant life you've always wanted at www.reachingabundance.com
Follow me at www.instagram.com/reachingabundance
Article mentioned
Courses Mentioned
Earn More Writing: https://earnmorewriting.com/p/earn-more-writing/?affcode=70083_phq0pvmn
Grocery Budget Makeover https://www.grocerybudgetmakeover.com/join/?orid=246303&opid=41
Blogging Workshop
Tiny Buddhas Journal: https://amzn.to/3drnH3H
Instant Happy Journal: https://amzn.to/3zVhapz
The Awakened Family: https://amzn.to/3QH80Uk
Financial Freedom: https://amzn.to/3zWu32v
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Navigating the Coronavirus Lockdown With the Family | Archived Episode
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
The Coronavirus Pandemic has suddenly shut down schools & restaurants, canceled playdates & birthday parties, and left us trying to homeschool our kids. On top of that, we adults are attempting to work from home while managing the family dynamic.
Here are links to free homeschool resources, an article about how to talk to your kids about Covid19, a link to 30 meals with 5 or less ingredients, and more to help mamas cope with the quarantine recommendations and manage the family with an abundant mindset through it all.
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Are You Allowing REAL Self-Care Into Your Life? | Archived Episode
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
REAL self-care isn't about false eyelashes, manicures, bubble baths, or lavish treats although that's what seems to get attention on social media.
But what's REALLY self-care? And how can we, as mothers, set a positive example for our children to love themselves?
“Self-care is calming the nervous system, not just meaningless activities.” - Lavinia at Quantum Body Wellness
I’ve been thinking a lot about making time for self-care in our hectic schedules. No, I don’t mean going out and getting my nails or hair done; rather, I’m referring to self-care that actually enhances our quality of life and serves as a constant reminder of the importance of the contribution each of us makes to the world.
Self-care is often thrown around loosely when someone is pampering themselves, simply for the envious attention they’ll get from their followers, but that they are stretching the budget to afford.
Society or the patriarchy, however you want to spin it, has trained us to believe that self-care is embedded in looking and feeling beautiful. Facials, manicures, pedicures, and highlights are touted as self-care all over social media.
But what happens when that type of “self-care” simply perpetuates being over budget and feeling like our natural nails/hair/skin are something to be improved? Those fresh tips might feel fancy for a week and garner compliments, but what happens when that feeling fades? You’re still stuck with the credit card bill.
It all comes down to what image you’re trying to uphold or prove and why.
What lie are you perpetuating through those actions in order to fill the void and maintain the image? These are the questions you need to ask yourself when you’re in an attempt to have real self-care.
Have you ever felt guilty about taking a day for self-care? Because if you feel bad afterward, it’s not real self-care.
True self-care and abundance are aligned - they’re both of your own definition and when you practice self-care that’s true to you. Stay tuned to find out what self-care means to me and how this level of abundance can trickle down to your family.
Self-care is about enhancing your own well-being and the well-being of others you care about for the rest of your life. Guilt-free self-care includes: saving for retirement, working out, meal planning, getting a massage, cleaning the house, hanging out with friends, practicing yoga, talking to a therapist, and even hiring help. You’re probably wondering how on earth these activities qualify as self-care. Using any of these techniques can help you relax and focus your mind.
In this episode, listen for:
- The coping mechanisms we may use for self-care and avoid facing our true feelings
- My journey through self-care and how it has affected myself and my family
- A decluttered space equals a clearer mind
In this episode, you’ll also hear:
[12:51] If it's something that will result in any measure of guilt, it's not true self-care
[22:51] Dropping the excuse that we don't have the time
[32:08] Inadvertently, we project our innermost feelings and thoughts onto others
If this episode hit home for you, share it with a friend. Simply copy & paste this link: https://link.chtbl.com/abundance
Learn more about how you CAN create the abundant life you've always wanted at www.reachingabundance.com
Follow me at www.instagram.com/reachingabundance
Quantum Body Wellness- https://ayurvedafusionmassage.com/
This episode is brought to you by erincondren.com - Daily planners designed with mom life in mind.
Monday Nov 11, 2019
How to Teach Kids About Money | Archived Episode
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Monday Nov 11, 2019
A large part of teaching your children about money is understanding their brain development by age and learning what concepts they can comprehend at that stage. Inside this episode, I break down cognitive development by age group and discuss what you can teach them based on their ability.
Want to make sure you set your kid on the path to managing their money well? This is the episode you’ve been waiting for! I share educational activities you can try, when to establish chores, when to open a bank account, how to teach them when to spend and when to save, and even when to introduce investing.
If you’re wondering when to start teaching your child about money, the answer is now. In the absence of direct instruction from us parents, our children will form their own opinions and gather information on their own. Enjoy conversing with your kiddo, ask them questions, and, most importantly, make money an openly discussed topic in your household.
If you’re hesitant and wondering how even to begin teaching your kids about money, take a step back and think about what you wish you were taught. By teaching our children about money today, we’re making a beneficial impact on their future.
Even if you fear awkwardness, are afraid you’ll “do it wrong,” or are unsure where to start, it’s better to start talking about money management now, when the risk is with the value of a toy, rather than later when the value is in the amount of monthly rent.
Money is an essential part of life. So just as much as we harp on brushing teeth properly, we should also be sharing financial fundamentals and including pricing comparisons, risk evaluations, and budgeting in regular conversations.
Being a positive role model and sharing open discussions about how money works are the two most important things you can do for your children’s financial future. Even when you make financial mistakes or are embarrassed about choices with money, having an open conversation with kids about those mistakes and your feelings can have a positive effect on their perspective of how money works, can be handled, and as a tool toward building wealth.
An Outline of Your Child’s Brain Development:
Birth-2 Years Old: Sensorimotor Stage- Your baby learns about the world around them and develops an understanding through their senses.
3-7 Years Old: Pre-Operational Stage - Your child’s short- and long-term memory, imagination, ideas, and understanding of symbolic representation are all growing throughout these early preschool to early elementary years.
7-11 Years Old - Understanding of how the world works and gaining a better grasp on cause and effect occur during this time in a child’s life.
Beyond 11 Years Old - During these years, the discussions might be more in-depth, and can provide opportunities for kids to undertake things independently.
In this episode, listen for:
- 3-year-old brain structure and neuronal connections throughout brain development
- Our children’s brain growth is encouraged by the positive behavior we exhibit and the interactions we have with them
- Debit card system you can create with your child which can teach them value, savings and how to handle cash
In this episode, you’ll also hear:
[00:04:55] It’s possible for toddlers as early as three to grasp basic money concepts. At age seven, children begin to establish their money mindset.
[00:07:14] A person’s ability to change and grow as a result of a single event is referred to as neuroplasticity.
[00:17:03] Delayed gratification and the 3 steps to teach your children and help them understand what it means
If this episode hit home for you, share it with a friend. Simply copy & paste this link: https://link.chtbl.com/ZNAaUu_J
Learn more about how you CAN create the abundant life you've always wanted at www.reachingabundance.com
Follow me at www.instagram.com/reachingabundance
FREE printable Financial Goal Coloring Sheet
Kids Money Books List
Kids Debit Card system: www.famzoo.com
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
7 Awful Financial Ideals and How to Handle Them | Archived Episode
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
I guarantee you can recall one instance of terrible financial advice you received in the past. Whether it was an innocent statement from a friend or a long talk with a well-meaning relative over a family meal.
Unfortunately, it’s these well-meaning pieces of financial advice that can actually inhibit our financial progress.
It’s time for you to take a step back and choose the financial advice nuggets you want to keep and ditch those that make you feel restricted, bad about yourself, or guilty in any way.
It’s very “normal” to struggle with finances - financial conversations, knowing what to do first, and even knowing HOW to do some things with our money just simply wasn’t shared with us when we were young.
A common misconception is that as we get older and our income rises, we’ll be able to pay off any debt we accumulated in our early adulthood. The unfortunate truth is that those accustomed to living beyond their means will always live beyond their means, whether they make $50,000 or $500,000 per year.
Not only were we not taught how to manage money well in school, but the ever-circling bad financial advice is also working against us too! It might stem from a great marketing ploy, persuasive economic report, or a well-meaning relative simply because it worked for them, but it might not work for you and your situation.
In this episode, I'm going to share some of the poor financial advice I received in the past and how I came to this road of self-discovery to find what works best for my family and me. If you've been given terrible money advice, this episode will not only help you become aware of it, but it will also help you get the courage to dismiss it totally.
Establish Credit As Early As Possible - As a teenager, I was told that I should get a credit card as soon as possible in order to establish credit. Unfortunately, since I wasn’t taught to manage the credit or understand the statement, that led me toward a game of financial roulette each month.
Your Credit Score is Important- The great myth here is you have to “work” on your score. Of course, when you make a big purchase, such as buying a home, you need a good standing score, but you don't need a perfect score to survive. With solid financial habits in tow, your credit score will naturally improve.
Renting is a Waste, Homership is Key- It was engrained in my brain that owning a home is better than renting. Without a more in-depth explanation or financial strategy, this advice has first-time homebuyers overcommitting themselves, putting an undue burden on their career and potential income.
If you can afford the payment, you can afford the thing - Our desires and budgets are focused month-to-month, and this short-term vision leads to years of creditor pressure and our incomes being siphoned away by payments.
Just Save $1,000- For many people, this is a key factor in moving toward financial abundance and away from credit reliance. Establishing a $1K emergency fund isn’t about just saving $1K. Ideally, you start saving, it becomes a habit, and then you continue to make progress.
Cut Up Your Credit Cards to Get Out of Debt - Credit is a tool, and there are several advantages to having credit cards. Close any you aren't using or that you don’t like. Credit only becomes a problem when you’re consistently spending beyond your means.
In this episode, listen for:
- Should you use a credit card if you don’t have the cash?
- Breaking the cycle of credit dependency
- What is your priority? If it’s investing, can you own a home and still remain focused on the goal?
In this episode, you’ll also hear:
[00:16:27] Using an example to help you better comprehend how you will pay off your credit card
[00:21:35] Practice positive controlled reasonable financial behavior
[00:26:23] You don't need equity unless you want to utilize it, just like you don't need credit.
If this episode hit home for you, share it with a friend. Simply copy & paste this link: https://link.chtbl.com/EG1droGz
Learn more about how you CAN create the abundant life you've always wanted at www.reachingabundance.com
Follow me at www.instagram.com/reachingabundance
This episode brought to you by famzoo.com - creating healthy spending habits for your children
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Parenting Consciously and One Simple Action that Affects It All | Archived Episode
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
All the decisions I’ve made over the past decade are fueled by the desire to provide my children as many opportunities as possible.
The world is changing at a rapid pace, and just like we have opportunities that weren’t available to prior generations, our children will have opportunities that weren’t available to us. The key is for us to equip them with the mental strength, self-belief, and communication skills they’ll need to make the best of those opportunities.
In this episode, I’m sharing my thoughts on motherhood and how mindfulness around parenting is propelling my family forward. Change in others begins in you.
So when we, as mothers, take the time to understand our reactions and assumptions, evaluate what we desire from each situation, implement self-care, and outline behavorial standards for ourselves, we alter the way those around us act. Remember, children do as we do, not as we say.
I want the best for my family, and I know you want the same for yours. All of us want to provide as much education, opportunity, and positivity for our kids as we can.
For many years now, I’ve been emphasizing to my children that everyone has emotions, and it’s okay to express those feelings. By providing the emotional support, open dialogue, and patience we needed as children, we have the opportunity to disrupt negative patterns that were accidentally passed to us by our guardians.
The cycle of broken families, abuse, and neglect ran deep in my family, and I knew I had to do something about it. And I’m willing to bet you have the same thoughts!
As I envision the possibilities for my children, I’m not planning their future career paths or establishing external measurements for succes. Instead, I’m interested in how we can support their mental and emotional growth so they CAN achieve great things along any path they choose.
In this episode, listen for:
- Concentrate on what is important to me and the people I know
- The gift of seeing the greatness in people and believing but on the other hand can be detrimental to my emotions
- Giving our children space from them to become the person they’re supposed to be
In this episode, you’ll also hear:
[8:03] How to make a concerted effort to uplift, instruct, and discipline children with compassion and an understanding of the lasting effects of your actions.
[9:03] Ruling your home with compassion rather than fear. Inevitably, children will require discipline, but how you approach that punishment makes all the difference.
[14:35] You can't want more for someone else than they want for themselves.
If this episode hit home for you, share it with a friend. Simply copy & paste this link: https://link.chtbl.com/concsious
Learn more about how you CAN create the abundant life you've always wanted at www.reachingabundance.com
Follow me on www.instagram.com/reachingabundance
This episode brought to you by Cozi - the calendar app that keeps my family organized
Monday Sep 23, 2019
12 Guilt Free Habits that Create Money Momentum | Archived Episode
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Wouldn’t it be great to spend without feeling guilty? Or even better if you could turn your finances around while still enjoying a little for yourself along the way.
I’m over it! I vow to never again to make a purchase and slink out of the store like I just got away with murder. I also vow to budget in a way that still allows joy WHILE I achieve my goals.
We all carry unique money perspectives which affect the way we react to financial tension, our spending and savings habits, and how we approach our financial goals. I am an all-or-nothing type gal, so when I first started budgeting, I cut ALL the fun stuff - that didn’t work.
In this episode, I share 12 habits that changed how we operate with and view our money and time. If you can just implement one or two of these habits and begin to feel the positive effects in a day or two, just imagine what that can do over the course of your life!
Everyone has access to abundance, no matter who you are or how much is in your bank account. Financial abundance is a mindset.
There are some financial behaviors, however, that can transform your financial life for the better and perpetuate feelings of financial abundance.
I encourage you to think critically as you listen today and choose which of these would make the biggest difference in your life. You can create a less chaotic, more abundant life by picking just one or two changes you desire to make, and then working on that piece until it runs like a well-oiled machine.
Although sometimes hard to face, financial issues don’t diminish when ignored. Unfortunately, it’s more likely that they’ll expand until you’re forced to face them. Late fees accumulate, interest adds up, and if left unattended long enough, scars show up on your credit report.
With Mint.com, you can see your entire financial picture, allowing you to be fully informed so you can make the best possible decisions with your money. The more you track and understand your financial habits, the more likely you’ll spend and save in alignment with your goals.
These are the 12 financial habits that helped me build momentum toward my money goals, ditch financial guilt, and create more financial abundance in my life:
- Immediate Needs - Make sure you are only buying what you need
- Quit Pulling Extra Cash Out -Set a limit on the amount of cash you take out and only take that specific amount. A little extra here and there for no reason adds up.
- Budget - Instead of feeling like the budget sets a cap on your spending, flip your perspective - each budget line says you’re allowed to spend that much!
- Planning Ahead/Time - By looking at the week ahead, you’ll know what to expect and can plan financially for any potential challenges
- Communication - Discussing your plan for money for the month/week and having an open dialogue
- Stay Informed - Logging in to your tracker, bank accounts, and credit accounts on a regular basis will help you see patterns and plan for them so youre not scrambling
- Automation - set up direct deposit for your paycheck, automated savings deposits, and autopay for minimum payments so you’ll never stray from the plan
- Multiple savings accounts - When each account has a purpose, you know exactly how close you are to your goal. Things are much clearer than if you had one lump savings account.
- Declutter - Free your physical and mental space of the junk. You can pad your pocket with the profits too.
- Free Fun - There are SO many free and fun activities out there. Why spend if you don’t have to?
- You’re Not Fancy - There are times to go all out or all in. Every day is not that time. Can you be frugal in small ways now so you can be fancy later?
- Don't Blindly Pay or Purchase - Look at your insurance and utility bills every 6 months. Negotiate prices and shop around to find a better deal that will better suit your needs.
In this episode, listen for:
- What works best for YOUR family? Explore, test, and reconfigure until you find the best apps, methods, and routines to manage money well in your family.
- The ultimate reason you create financial goals and a budget to get there is so you can enjoy your life and your family
- If you generally feel discomfort around managing money, there’s something going on under the surface. You aren’t bad at math and money doesn’t hate you.
In this episode, you’ll also hear:
[00:08:48] Creating a zero-based budget. Every bit of income is designed for a purpose
[00:14:24] Planning ahead creates peace and happiness because we are able to talk about expectations ahead of time
[00:29:18] The many benefits of decluttering your physical space include less housework, more mental space, and, if you sell the items, more cash in your pocket.
A few of my recommendations:
Calendar app - Cozi
Course - Your Uncluttered Home
Financial Overview App - Mint
Budgeting App - You Need a Budget
Follow me on:
Instagram @reachingabundance
Friday Sep 13, 2019
3 Fab Financial Tools I Used to Get Debt-Free Quickly | Archived Episode
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Are you feeling ready to tackle your debt, change your money management habits, or draw your own financial line in the sand?
You are not alone.
After listening to this episode, you’ll walk away equipped with the tools I’ve used that created momentum in our financial lives and that have carried us from drowning in debt all the way to debt freedom and beyond.
You'll hear how I used these tools differently back then versus now and which habits helped me be consistent along the journey. Just as motherhood is a journey, so is money management, and your needs and goals morph and change over time.
For a long time before we had children, my husband and I lived well on our combined two paychecks and excellent credit. We bought what we wanted for the house, went out to eat often, and enjoyed the freedom of two incomes and no kids.
But when we had kids, our financial lives seemed to steadily get more and more difficult. One thing was clear to me, however, and that was I wouldn’t let our financial difficulties affect our children.
That’s when I drew my line in the sand and became more determined than ever to create the life of abundance I knew I’d always wanted.
Quietly, with very little progress at a time, I began to bring bills current, pay off the smallest debts first, and use these 3 fabulous financial apps and tools the way they were meant to be used.
In hindsight, I know if I would have had a community or a coach, the journey would have been much faster, much less emotional and confusing, and much easier overall, which is why I share this information today.
Diving into any financial app is quite the endeavor. You've got to link accounts and import transactions, and don't you wish that someone would just spill the beans and tell you which ones are really worth it?
Well, cheers, because in this episode, I share exactly that. Plus, you'll find out some of the nitty-gritty details from my own crazy financial journey. If I can dig my family out of debt, you can too!
3 Financial Tools I used to Get Debt-Free Quickly
Magnify Money - Identifying the best set of financial products for your circumstances
Mint - Figuring out your net worth
You Need a Budget -Assists in making a plan for financial stability and success
Using these apps helped so much that in just 3 years we became debt free by paying off $80k (without 6-figures in income, either)!
In this episode, listen for:
- How debt ruled my life - I even considered bankruptcy as a potential solution
- Focus on accumulating assets that increase in value
- How to select financial products that have an A or B rating through Magnify Money to ensure the best experience possible.
In this episode, you’ll also hear:
[12:43] What really happens when you file bankruptcy and why we didn’t go through with it
[16:46] Details regarding the tools I used to get out debt
[22:55] As our financial journey progressed, I learned about and started focusing on net worth
My own financial journey toward debt freedom fueled my passion for helping other women just like you to create the abundant life you WANT.
Consistency, intentional actions toward small goals you set for yourself, and perseverance through times will produce results - make use of these financial tools, and you’ll begin to see a fresh financial outlook in no time.
Learn more about how you CAN create the abundant life you've always wanted at www.reachingabundance.com
Follow me at www.instagram.com/reachingabundance
Friday Aug 30, 2019
What Abundance Means To Me | Archived Episode
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
What does it mean to have an abundant life?
Abundance may mean different things to different people. Many definitions of abundance have to do with religion. My perspective has to do with the combination of happiness with your health, money, and those around you.
A particular phrase has been bouncing around in my head for several years. I aim to enjoy “spending time with the people we value most instead of spending money on things we don't need.”
We can't possibly expect to have an abundant life if we're unconsciously perpetuating unhealthy habits, suffering financially, and aimlessly "barely surviving" through life.
Abundance is a term that occurred to me when my family and I were at our lowest point financially, which also became the driver for me to help other women and mothers who share or have shared similar struggles.
No matter your background, income level, or age, you can begin to craft a life filled with Abundance. To fully appreciate what I mean by Abundance and what it may bring into your life, I want you to consider your own personal definition of the term while I share mine.
Money isn't everything, but it does buy us experiences, pay for medical bills, and allow us to, if managed well, have a low-stress, happy retirement.
In this episode, listen for:
- What you may gain by actively participating in discussions about money, and why you should do so
- What I wished for on my 4th birthday and how it still holds true today
- The lessons my childen need to become “successful” adults and what that means
In this episode, you’ll also hear:
[5:05] I couldn't help but observe that our earnings, expenditures, and savings were all affected by our mentality, routines, and actions
[6:54] Money is a necessary tool in our society
[13:56] My vision of a prosperous future includes spending money in ways that improve my health and longevity so that I may make more happy memories with my loved ones
For my family, money means access to opportunities and comforts that would otherwise be out of reach. When we don't have to worry about where the money for the next thing is coming from, we can do things like buy the shoes we need to go for a walk or hire a housekeeper so that we can spend more time together.
I want to encourage you to reflect on your past aspirations and make an assessment of the actions you can do right now to move closer to realizing them.
If this episode hit home for you, share it with a friend. Simply copy & paste this link: https://link.chtbl.com/abundance
Learn more about how you CAN create the abundant life you've always wanted at www.reachingabundance.com
Follow me at www.instagram.com/reachingabundance
This episode is brought to you by cozi.com - the calendar app that keeps my family organized
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
We have to drop the idea of ”Trying to Catch Up” | Archived Episode
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Are you burdening yourself with thoughts that no one else has (or probably will) verbalize?
For much of my life, I’ve believed that if I got enough done, checked as many things as I could off my list, or could be really productive a few days in a row, I’d be “caught up.” Then, I could relax.
Well, the complete no-pressure, there’s nothing else to do day never came. I was on this endless path of go-go-go, and as much as I could accomplish in a day was never enough.
Over time, this burden of self-fabricated pressure and busy work begins to weigh heavily on our minds and makes us feel like we’re falling behind. Behind what, though? And what were we trying to catch up to?
It’s time to quit looking at the ever-accumulating to-do’s that aren’t done yet and time to begin celebrating the unrecognized achievements of our everyday lives.
In this episode and during the podcast, we’ll discuss how to shift our mindset, implement a better routine for ourselves and our family, and create that abundance we’ve always wanted.
I’m here to provide you with the guidance to feel comfortable and confident to talk about these topics and teach your children along the way because it’s not just for us; we are setting an example for our kids and showing them the way to abundance.
Trust me. I get it! I too was in and still am in your shoes. Life is messy, but we have more control over our perspective than anything else. It’s that perspective that makes a huge difference!
Abundance means different things to different people, but to me, it means putting a stop to all the chaos, being as present as possible, and being fulfilled by the choices I have made.
In this episode, listen for
- Why we all need to drop the idea of “trying to catch up.”
- Who I'm helping reach abundance
- How the perspective that you’re “trying to catch up” fuels the belief that we aren’t good enough
Edge a little closer toward abundance by noticing when you’re trying to catch up on something. Take a step back and solidify your belief that you are enough.
Begin to train your mind to highlight the things you have done and celebrate those instead of always looking ahead at the things you haven’t done yet. This week I challenge you to notice the negative voice and ask yourself if those thoughts are really true.
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Learn more about how you CAN create the abundant life you've always wanted at www.reachingabundance.com
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